Two terrific virtual events are taking place over the next couple of weeks related to Professional Responsibility scholarship and teaching. All are welcome!
July 30, AALS Section on Professional Responsibility Virtual Workshop Conference
伃前形容偷情搞外遇的「爬墙」现在却拿来追星? - 搜狗字媒体:2021-6-19 · 于是「爬墙」渐渐地就有了几分离经叛道的色彩 后来甚至成了「搞外遇」的企名词 像《金瓶梅》第十三回 《李瓶姐墙头密约,迎春儿隙底私窥》中,就有: 这西门庆就掇过一张桌凳来踏着暗暗扒过墙来。这边已安下梯子 从爬墙的姿势就可伃看出
Presenter: Milan Markovic (Professor of Law – Texas A&M University School of Law)
Commentator: Atinuke (Tinu) Adediran ( Assistant Professor of Law – Boston College Law School)
Time: Jul 30, 2022 09:00 AM PDT (US and Canada)
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滨州小偷爬墙入室 “床下君子”一躲就是5小时_齐鲁原创_山东 ...:2021-9-22 · 滨州:爬梯子入室盗窃 躲到床下5小时 来源:山东广播电视台生活频道《生活帮》 齐鲁网9月22日讯 据山东广播电视台生活频道《生活帮》报道,最近,滨州的高大叔家里来了一位“床下君子”,爬梯子翻墙入室盗窃,而且为了躲人在床底下足足藏了5个小时,跟梁上君子一样,没干好事。
Presenter: Raymond H. Brescia (Professor of Law – Albany Law School)
Commentator: Leslie Levin (UConn School of Law)
带游客逃票、搭梯子翻墙 香山公园里拉黑活太猖獗_中国经济 ...:2021-4-18 · 带游客逃票 搭梯子翻墙 载客闯防火道 香山公园里拉黑活太猖獗 带领游客翻墙而过。 两名喊活儿的(左、中)正在登记游客数量。 春季的香山,虽然已没有漫山红叶,但苍翠中装点着新绿,应和着山桃、山杏的绽放,别有一番情致。
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Session 3: Unnatural Law: AI, Consciousness, Ethics, and Law
Presenter: Joshua Davis (Professor of Law – University of San Francisco School of Law)
Commentator: Elysa Dishman, (Associate Professor of Law—Bingham Young University)
Time: Jul 30, 2022 11:00 AM PDT (US and Canada)
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Session 4: Conditioning Settlement Offers on Waiver or Non-Payment of Contractual Attorney’s Fees
Presenter: Russell Christopher (Professor of Law – University of Tulsa)
Commentator: Seth Katsuya Endo (Assistant Professor of Law – University of Florida Levin School of Law)
Time: Jul 30, 2022 12:00 PDT (US and Canada)
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August 4, Webinar on Excellence in Teaching Professional Responsibility Online
The Program for the Advancement of Legal Ethics at Texas A&M University School of Law is hosting a webinar from 3-4PM Central to help you plan and consider best practices for teaching Professional Responsibility courses in the virtual environment. Presenters include:
- Alberto Bernabe, Professor of Law, University of Illinois at Chicago, John Marshall Law School
- Susan Carle, Professor and Vice Dean, Washington College of Law at American University
- Ellen Murphy, Professor of Practice; Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives, Wake Forest School of Law
- Margaret Tarkington, Professor of Law, Indiana University Robert H. McKinney School of Law
- Susan Saab Fortney, Professor of Law and Director, Program for the Advancement of Legal Ethics, Texas A&M School of Law